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2023. “Flood Risk and Household Losses: Empirical Findings from a Rural Community in Pakistan.” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2023.103930. With Muhammed Yaseen, Shahab E. Saqib, Supawan Visetnoi, and Jamshid Iqba.


2023. “Salary Negotiations and the Gender Pay Gap: Evidence from a University Setting.” Journal of the Professoriate 14,1: 61-87. With Sarah J. Kilmer and Cameron Busacca.


2022. “FDI, Unmet Expectations, and the Prospects of Political Leaders: Evidence from Chinese Investment in Africa.” Journal of Politics. DOI: 10.1086/717849. With Xiaonan Wang and Margaret M. Pearson.


2022. “Does Chinese FDI in Africa Inspire Support for a China Model of Development?” World Development. With Margaret Pearson and Xiaonan Wang.


2021. “Where Terror Lies: Misrepresentation of Extremist Attitudes and Terrorist Attacks in the Sahel.” Terrorism and Political Violence. With Steven E. Finkel, Michael Neureiter, and Christopher Belasco. 


2021. “Clientelism and Community Support in Times of Crisis: Evidence Following Floods in Ghana.” Studies in Comparative International Development. DOI: 10.1007/s12116-021-09329-6.


2021. “Community Violence and Support for Violent Extremism:  Evidence from the Sahel.” Political Psychology 42, 1: 143-161. With Steven E. Finkel, Michael Neureiter, and Christopher Belasco.


2020. “The Grapevine Effect in Sensitive Data Collection: Examining Response Patterns in Support for Violent Extremism.” Political Science Research and Methods doi:10.1017/psrm.2020.34. With Steven E. Finkel, Michael Neureiter, and Christopher Belasco.


2019. “The Political Sources of Religious Identification: A Study on the Burkina Faso-Côte d’Ivoire Border.” British Journal of Political Science 49, 2: 421-441. With Daniel N. Posner.


2017. “Disaggregating Identities to Study Ethnic Conflict.” Ethnopolitics 16, 1: 12-20.


2015. “African Borders as Sources of Natural Experiments: Promise and Pitfalls.” Political Science Research and Methods 3, 2: 409-418. With Daniel N. Posner.


2014. “The Political Mobilization of Ethnicity and Religion in Africa.” American Political Science Review 108, 4: 801-816.


2014. “Pentecostalism as an Informal Political Institution: Experimental Evidence from Ghana.” Politics & Religion 7, 4: 761-787.


2014. “Measuring and Reducing Religious Bias in Post-Conflict Zones: Evidence from Côte d’Ivoire.” Political Psychology 35, 2 (April): 267-289.


2013. “Economic Development Strategies and Conflict in Africa: The Cases of Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana.” Comparative Political Studies 46, 2 (Feb): 182-211.


2013. “Africa’s New Big Man Rule? Pentecostalism and Patronage in Ghana.” African Affairs 112, 446 (Jan): 1-21.


2009. “Religious Faith and Democracy: Evidence from the Afrobarometer Surveys.” Afrobarometer Working Paper No. 113 (with E. Gyimah-Boadi).






2020. “The Intoxication of Fieldwork: Obtaining Authorizations in Burkina Faso.” In Peter Krause and Ora Szekely, eds. Stories from the Field: A Guide to Navigating Fieldwork in Political Science. Columbia University Press.


2019. “Identity, Internal State Conflict, and Religion.” In Oxford Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion. Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637.013.843.


2019. “The Politics of Pentecostalism in Africa.” In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Oxford University Press. doi:


2017. “Disaggregating Identities to Study Ethnic Conflict.” In Erika Forsberg, Jóhanna K. Birnir, and Christian Davenport, eds., Ethnic Politics and Conflict/Violence. New York: Routledge. Ch. 3.


2015. “Pentecostals and Politics: Redefining Big Man Rule in Africa.” In Martin Lindhardt, ed., Pentecostalism in Africa: Presence and Impact of Pneumatic Christianity in Postcolonial Societies. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill Publishers. Ch 13: 322-344.


2013. “Economic Development and Conflict Outcomes: Fifty Years of Evidence from West Africa.” In William Ascher and Natalia Mirovitskaya, eds., Economic Development Strategies and Inter-Group Violence. New York: Palgrave MacMillan. Ch. 6: 141-166.





2019. "Religion, Violence, and Local Power-Sharing in Nigeria by Laura Thaut Vinson." Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017. Pp. 360. The Journal of Modern African Studies, 57(2), 347-348.





2011. "Is Africa Losing Its Taste for Democracy?" Huffington Post. May 25, 2011.


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